The gospel of ______ began with the baptism of Jesus

A. John B. Mark C. Matthew D. Luke Correct Answer: Option B - Mark

2 years ago

______;_____ and ______ were with Jesus during the transfiguration.

A. Matthew, Peter and James B. Matthew, Mark and Luke C. Peter, James and John D. Peter, Thomas and John…

2 years ago

In the bible; _____ depicted good parenting

A. King Asa B. King Abisham C. Eli D. King Rehoboam Correct Answer: Option A - King Asa Explanation Asa…

2 years ago

According to Paul; those who rebel against the authority will _______.

A. be exiled. B. bring judgment on themselves C. die D. be forgiven Correct Answer: Option B - bring judgment…

2 years ago

Those who keep all the laws but fail at one are ________.

A. punished a little B. to ask for forgiveness C. guilty of all D. will be forgiven in heaven Correct…

2 years ago

Pharaoh’s horsemen and his army overtook the fleeing Hebrews; encamped by the sea; at

A. Pihahirot B. Succot C. Etham D. Migdol Correct Answer: Option A - Pihahirot Explanation The Egyptians--all Pharaoh's horses and…

2 years ago

The penultimate plague God put in Egypt before the Israelites were set free was?

A. Plague of locust B. Plague of flies C. Plague of lice or gnats D. Plague of darkness Correct Answer:…

2 years ago

_______ deceitfully took 150 pounds of silver in two bags and two changes of clothes against the wish of his master.

A. Naboth B. Judas C. Gehazi D. Naaman Correct Answer: Option C - Gehazi Explanation (2 Kings 5:1) Elisha the…

2 years ago

In God’s message to Nineveh; He was going to overthrow them in ______ days.

A. Twenty B. Thirty C. Forty D. Forty-one Correct Answer: Option C - Forty Explanation (Jonah 3:4)

2 years ago

Christians should keep away from any brother __________ according to Paul.

A. living in idleness B. living in a fantasy C. living alone D. frugal in spending Correct Answer: Option A…

2 years ago