According to Peter; Christians have become a chosen race so that they may _________?

A. behave better than the Jews B. not be like the Gentiles C. declare the good works of God D.…

2 years ago

For Peter; Christian liberty not be used as a ___________?

A. cover-up for sin B. pretext for love C. way of disrespect D. way of rejecting duties Correct Answer: Option…

2 years ago

James advised that Christians should sing praises when they are _________

A. wealthy B. happy C. lonely D. suffering Correct Answer: Option D - suffering

2 years ago

Pure and undefiled religion; according to James; involved all these practices except _____?

A. visiting orphans in their suffering B. going to church daily C. visiting widows in their affliction D. being unstained…

2 years ago

Which of these statements was not made by Peter during the second trial of the apostles by the high priest?

A. We must always obey God rather than man B. God raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging on a…

2 years ago

Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus resulted in the ________?

A. fleeing of the brethren B. churches' poor performance C. outpouring of the spirit D. churches' peaceful growth Correct Answer:…

2 years ago

The authorities Peter quoted as being fulfilled on the day of Pentecost were _________?

A. Isaiah and Jeremiah B. Ezekiel and Amos C. Joel and David D. Hosea and John Correct Answer: Option C…

2 years ago

The challenges of discrimination and favouritism in the early church were resolved by _________

A. praying for God's intervention B. the study of the scriptures and counselling C. the selection of seven men to…

2 years ago

The election of Matthias to succeed Judas was _____?

A. a command from Peter B. the fulfillment of the scripture C. an instruction given by Jesus D. a way…

2 years ago

According to Matthew; the first to see Jesus after His resurrection were the ______?

A. angels that guarded the tomb B. women who went to the tomb C. disciples who were praying D. men…

2 years ago