According to mark’s gospel; Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist after He came from?

A. Capernaum B. Judea C. Nazarath D. Bethlehem Correct Answer: Option C - Nazarath

2 years ago

The gospel which states that the spirit immediately drove Jesus into the wilderness after His baptism to be tempted is

A. mark's gospel B. Luke's gospel C. John's gospel D. Mathew's gospel Correct Answer: Option D - Mathew's gospel

2 years ago

Jesus stood in a boat belonging to Peter by lake of Gennesaret to?

A. heal the sick B. cure te leper C. raise the dead D. teach the crowd Correct Answer: Option A…

2 years ago

According to Luke’s gospel; when the Devil had ended the temptation of Jesus, the Devil departed

A. and Jesus was baptized in the Jordan B. to work out a better strategy C. feeling defeated and embarrassed…

2 years ago

The Jew who came from exile to Jerusalem to study the law of the Lord and teach others was

A. Sheshbazzar B. Haggai C. Zechariah D. Ezra Correct Answer: Option C - Zechariah

2 years ago

Two kings of Persia who passed decrees to bring about the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem were

A. Cyrus and Belshazzar B. Darius and Cyrus C. Haggai and Belshazzar D. Artaxerxes and Nebuchadnezzar Correct Answer: Option A…

2 years ago

Which of the following people led the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem after the Jews returned from exile?

A. Sheatiel and Zechariah B. Jeshua and Haggai C. Haggai and Zechariah D. Zerubbabel and Jeshua Correct Answer: Option D…

2 years ago

Yes what they are building if a fox goes up on it he will break down their stone wall! This remark made by Tobiah was intended to

A. alert and encourage Nehemiah B. stop and disgrace the Jews C. embarrass Nehemiah D. ridicule the Jews Correct Answer:…

2 years ago

The kingdom of Israel was divided during the reign of Rehoboam because, he

A. followed his father's tyranny B. led Israel to war C. challenged Jeroboam D. worshiped other gods Correct Answer: Option…

2 years ago

God decided not to divide the kingdom of Israel during the reign of Solomon because?

A. Solomon built the temple for God B. Solomon was a very wise king C. of God's love for David…

2 years ago