Peter is of the opinion hat Christians should behave like new born babies craving for pure spiritual milk so that

A. they will have salvation B. they can be loved by the Lord C. the Lord will deliver them D.…

2 years ago

Peter holds the view that servants should be submissive and be respectful to masters who are good and gentle as well as to those who are

A. God fearing B. older than them C. overbearing D. arrogant Correct Answer: Option C - overbearing

2 years ago

In his teaching on faith and works; James says that people should be quick to hear; slow to speak and

A. be fervent in prayer B. be involved in fasting C. slow to fight D. slow to anger Correct Answer:…

2 years ago

Herod Agrippa’s killing of James and subsequent arrest of Peter was an attempt to?

A. demonstrate his hatred for Christians B. fulfill the order of the Roman Emperor C. win the conference of the…

2 years ago

What happened to Saul while in the house of Judas in the street called straight?

A. An attempt to be lynched for betraying Judaism B. An attempt to be killed for opposing the gospel C.…

2 years ago

Discrimination in the daily distribution of relief items in the early church came up when the?

A. Hallenists complained about neglect of their widows B. Hebrews complained about neglect of their widows C. apostles refuse to…

2 years ago

Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them? The uncircumcised men in the context were

A. Sanhedrin and the Pharisees B. Aeneas and his family C. Saul and his friends D. Cornelius and his family…

2 years ago

But be doers of the word not hearers only. This text according to James implies that Christians should

A. reflect their faith in their lifestyles B. live above reproach and wickedness C. love one another as Christ did…

2 years ago

When Peter and John were set free by the Sanhedrin; they were?

A. asked not to speak about Jesus again B. asked to join the other apostles C. given thirty-nine lashes each…

2 years ago

Judas Iscariot lost his position as a disciple of Jesus because he?

A. was expelled B. fell sick and died C. committed suicide D. denounced the faith Correct Answer: Option C -…

2 years ago