During the mission of the twelve spies; which of the following tribes did Joshua represent?

A. Ephraim B. Judah C. Reuben D. Levi Correct Answer: Option A - Ephraim

2 years ago

The presence of God among the Israelites is demonstrated by the symbol of?

A. fire and cloud B. smoke and water C. wind and dust D. clouds and winds Correct Answer: Option A…

2 years ago

The name Manasseh which Joseph gave to his first son means?

A. a beloved son of Joseph's wife B. God had made Joseph forget his hardship C. God had delivered Joseph…

2 years ago

Apart from Joseph who was already in Egypt; the offspring of Jacob that migrated from Canaan to Egypt numbered

A. Sixty B. Seventy C. Eighty D. Ninety Correct Answer: Option B - Seventy

2 years ago

The supremacy of God during creation was manifested by His?

A. consent that a thing be done B. command of let there be C. creation of human kind D. control…

2 years ago

Which of the following is the reason for which God decided to make a helper fit for man in the garden of Eden? For

A. communication B. companionship C. fellowship D. procreation Correct Answer: Option B - companionship

2 years ago

According to the second creation story; which of the following were formed out of the ground?

A. Sun, moon and stars B. Firmaments and light C. Beast of the field and birds D. Fishes and all…

2 years ago

James states that the sick should be interceded for by the Elders but those who are suffering should

A. fast daily B. go to church C. read the Bible D. pray themselves Correct Answer: Option D - pray…

2 years ago

Peter advised the leaders of the church not to lord their leadership over their members but should rather

A. pray for them regularly B. visit them regularly C. lead with good example D. provide their needs Correct Answer:…

2 years ago