And God said “Ask what I shall give you” To whom and where was this request made?

A. David at Hebron B. Solomon at Hebron C. David at Gibeon D. Solomon at Gibeon Correct Answer: Option B…

2 years ago

A major mistake attributed to Rehoboam was his decision to

A. dare Jeroboam to divide the kingdom B. lead Israel to war without God's approval C. worship other gods and…

2 years ago

Which of the following names was given to Solomon by the prophet Nathan when he was born?

A. Ammon B. Absalom C. Jedediah D. Tain or Correct Answer: Option C - Jedediah

2 years ago

One important lesson that could be learnt from David when he spared the life of Saul is?

A. that we must not insult kings despite their wickedness B. to avoid retaliation for wrong done against us C.…

2 years ago

Though you are little in your own eyes; are you not the head of the tribes of Israeli On which occasion was this statement made?

A. During the sacrifice at Michmash B. When the sons of Samuel disobeyed God C. When the evil spirit tormented…

2 years ago

Samuel was said to have failed in matters of parental responsibility because he?

A. made his children to succeed him B. made his children judges over Israel C. did not bring up his…

2 years ago

Which of the following was the major sin attributed to Hophni and Phinehas? They

A. treated the offering of the Lord with contempt B. took bribes and has no regard for justice C. engaged…

2 years ago

Sisera; the commander was killed by Jael whose husband as a?

A. Philistine B. Israelite C. Kenite D. Jebusite Correct Answer: Option C - Kenite

2 years ago

Who among the following Kings did God sell the people of Israel to and were oppressed for twenty years?

A. Ahab B. Jabin C. Nebuchadnezzar D. Asa Correct Answer: Option B - Jabin

2 years ago

Joshua’s success in the promised land was attributed to the fact that he was?

A. carefree about keeping the laws of God B. strong and of good courage C. anointed by Moses personally D.…

2 years ago