After his resurrection; Jesus first appeared to?

A. Mary the mother of Jesus B. Mary the mother of James C. Mary Magdalene D. Peter Correct Answer: Option…

2 years ago

In Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians; as long as an heir is a child; he is under

A. Teachers B. Guardians C. Protectors D. Custodians Correct Answer: Option B - Guardians Explanation Galatians 4. What I am…

2 years ago

“Do not be afraid; Zechariah; for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son” The son here refers to

A. Jesus B. John the Baptist C. Peter D. James Correct Answer: Option B - John the Baptist Explanation Luke…

2 years ago

Naboth refused to give up his vineyard to King Ahab because

A. it was expensive B. Ahab was a terrible king C. it was his family's inheritance D. it was his…

2 years ago

In Paul’s arrangement of spiritual gifts; _________ was the last item.

A. Apostles B. Teachers C. Diversity of tongues D. Prophets Correct Answer: Option C - Diversity of tongues Explanation 1…

2 years ago

Paul says that anyone who does acts of mercy should do so with

A. Zeal B. Faith C. Generously D. Liberality Correct Answer: Option C - Generously Explanation Romans 12:8

2 years ago

Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall ___________.

A. Inherit the earth B. See God C. Have the kingdom of God D. Receive mercy Correct Answer: Option B…

2 years ago

Paul encouraged Philemon to receive Onesimus as ______.

A. repentant slave B. fellow worker C. Child D. Brother Correct Answer: Option D - Brother Explanation Paul wrote to…

2 years ago

In Paul’s letter to the Romans; all who were baptized into Christ were also baptized into His

A. Resurrection B. Death C. Salvation D. Suffering Correct Answer: Option B - Death Explanation Romans 6:3 Do you not…

2 years ago

”…..If it be so; our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace…….” Who ordered that the men be thrown into the furnace?

A. King Rehoboam B. King David C. King Nebuchadnezzar D. None Correct Answer: Option C - King Nebuchadnezzar Explanation Daniel…

2 years ago