Then these men came by agreement and found Daniel making petition and supplication before his God. The people reminded the king about the following except

A. punishment for defaulters B. power of the treaty C. ban on worship D. freedom of worship Correct Answer: Option…

2 years ago

Which of the following ways did Nehemiah demonstrate concern for his nation? He

A. revived the worship of Yahweh B. rebuilt the temple of Jericho C. reconstructed the walls of Jerusalem D. led…

2 years ago

But the army of the Chaldeans pursued the king and overtook him in the plains of Jericho. This text alludes to the incident where

A. the Babylonians arrested Zedekiah B. the Babylonians made Zedekiah king C. Nebuchadnezzar's army arrested Jehoiachin D. Nebuchadnezzar's army chased…

2 years ago

Huldah; the prophetess; pronounced evil upon Judah because the people

A. had burned incense for other gods B. were marrying foreign women C. were disobedient to the king D. had…

2 years ago

I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord. The discovery of the law book?

A. revealed the sins of Manasseh B. gave Josiah's reform direction C. railed for the revival of the Passover D.…

2 years ago

Which of the following was the reason for which God promised to punish the house of Ahab and not Ahab himself? Ahab

A. humbled himself B. acted under pressure C. was a righteous man D. acted wisely Correct Answer: Option A -…

2 years ago

Proclaim a fast and set Naboth on high among the people. Which of the following was Naboth charged with after the proclamation? He was charged with

A. claiming to be the messiah and king B. cursing God and the King C. instigating riot among the people…

2 years ago

Elijah ran from Mount Carmel to the city of Jezreel because he was

A. chased by the Baal prophets B. overjoyed by his journey C. pursued by Ahab the king D. possessed by…

2 years ago

The reason for which the building of the temple came into fulfillment during the time of Solomon was that

A. David was guilty for shedding blood B. there was relative peace during his reign C. his father had arranged…

2 years ago