My soul is very sorrowful; even to death; remain here and watch with me. Where was this remark made by Jesus?

A. In the garden of Gethsemane B. When he was in the palace of Caiaphas C. On the way to…

2 years ago

Which of the following is not a humiliation Jesus suffered during his trial?

A. They spat on him B. His face was covered C. They put a crown on his head D. The…

2 years ago

One of the major things Christians should do to merit God’s forgiveness according to Jesus is?

A. praying without ceasing B. fellowshipping together C. offering sacrifices to God D. forgiving people who offend them Correct Answer:…

2 years ago

I do not say to you seven times; but seventy times seven. By this Jesus meant By this forgiveness?

A. must be done only seven B. takes place where there is a plea C. is exercised when offense is…

2 years ago

Jesus’ call of the first four disciples to be “fishers of men” implied that they were to?

A. propagate the teachings of Jesus B. convert the Jews into Christians C. win proselytes to Jesus D. be trained…

2 years ago

I desire mercy; and not sacrifice! for I came not to call the righteous; but sinners. Jesus made this remark when

A. He called the first disciples by the sea B. the Sadducees accused Him of eating with sinners C. the…

2 years ago

Which of the following was the sequence of Jesus’ temptation according to Matthew?

A. Temple - wilderness -mountain B. Wilderness - temple - mountain C. Mountain -temple -wilderness D. Wilderness - mountain -…

2 years ago

One significant difference between Matthew’s and Mark’s account of Jesus’ baptism is that

A. Matthew alone said that John felt inferior to baptizing Jesus B. Matthew alone said a voice came from heaven…

2 years ago

To win Israel back to Himself; God promised turning the valley of Achor into a place of?

A. peace B. hope C. mercy D. joy Correct Answer: Option B - hope

2 years ago

One immoral act that took place in Israel which was condemned by Amos was that?

A. priests slept with women in the temple B. Nazarites drank wine and slept in the temple C. the rich…

2 years ago