Peter’s encouragement to Christians to put away all forms of malice implies that?

A. it is a divine command to forgive B. Christians should emulate Christ C. forgiveness heals the heart D. grievances…

2 years ago

Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. By this statement, James meant that

A. we should not pray for ourselves when we are sick B. the prayer of the faithful will save the…

2 years ago

Which of the following biblical characters was mentioned to have justified his/her faith by works?

A. Ahab B. Jael C. Rehab D. Barnabas Correct Answer: Option C - Rehab

2 years ago

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. This needs statement was made by

A. Jesus when he was going to heaven B. The seven deacons during the appointment C. Peter before the Sanhedrin…

2 years ago

From his experience on the road to Damascus Saul learnt all the following except?

A. Persecuting the church meant persecuting the Lord B. His confidence in Judaism was misplaced C. He was specially chosen…

2 years ago

Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them! The uncircumcised men were the?

A. Gentiles of Caesarea B. Gentiles of Joppa C. household of Cornelius D. household of Simon Correct Answer: Option C…

2 years ago

The replacement of Judas iscariot was necessary because the?

A. death of Judas Iscariot was premature B. twelve disciples represented the twelve tribes of Israel C. prophesies of the…

2 years ago

Which of the following qualified Matthias as an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot? He

A. had accompanied the disciples from the time of the baptism of Jesus B. took active part in evangelism from…

2 years ago

O foolish men; and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Which people were being referred to as foolish? The

A. two men traveling to Emmaus B. seventy disciples Jesus sent out C. twelve apostles of Jesus D. women who…

2 years ago

Jesus’ offer of paradise to the repentant thief on the cross teaches that?

A. God's word must be fulfilled B. repentance is never too late C. Jesus was crucified to save sinners D.…

2 years ago