By whom did the Lord heal the blindness of Paul?

A. Ananias B. Cephas C. John Mark D. Silas Correct Answer: Option A - Ananias

2 years ago

Who addressed Jesus at Jericho saying “Jesus; son of David; have mercy on me’?

A. Bartimaeus the blind beggar B. Simon the leper C. Simon of Cyrene D. James the son of Zebedee Correct…

2 years ago

When Paul came to Rome; the first set of people to Whom he preached were the?

  A. Romans B. Jews C. Greeks D. Samaritans Correct Answer: Option B - Jews

2 years ago

‘After me comes he who is mightier than I; the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie who said this?

A. Jesus Christ B. Mary Magdalene C. Mark D. John the Baptist Correct Answer: Option D - John the Baptist

2 years ago

During the confirmation of the covenant; Moses was invited by the Lord along with

A. Aaron, Nadab and Abihu B. Aaron, Eleazar and Nadab C. Abihu, Eleazar and Nadab D. Eleazar, Aaron and Abihu…

2 years ago

until the pursuers have returned; then afterwards you may go your way’ Who gave this advice?

Go into the hills, lest the pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves three days, until the pursuers have returned; then…

2 years ago

In Jotham’s parable of the trees; Abimelech is very much likened to the?

A. fig B. bramble C. olive D. vine Correct Answer: Option B - bramble

2 years ago

The sin of the Israelites that led to the punishment by fiery serpents was?

A. making the golden calf B. speaking against God and Moses C. planning to return to Egypt D. trying to…

2 years ago

Peter states that God opposes the proud but to the humble, He

A. provides all their needs B. gives them protection C. grants them success D. grants them grace Correct Answer: Option…

2 years ago

The call on Christians to live as free men; yet without using such freedom as a pretext for perpetuating evil was intended for them to

A. do what is right always B. resist the temptations of the devil C. fight for their right and freedom…

2 years ago