It was wrong for King Solomon to have married foreign women because?

A. they would entice him to worship idols B. the women of Israel were more beautiful C. they were very…

2 years ago

Who was the man who in an attempt to prevent a disaster; touched the Ark and died when David was returning it to Jerusalem?

A. Obed-edom B. Abinadab C. Uzzah D. Ahio Correct Answer: Option C - Uzzah

2 years ago

At childhood; the word of the Lord came to Samuel because he?

A. was righteous B. had the qualities of a prophet C. was to announce the punishment for the house of…

2 years ago

Who asked this question? Which is better for you that all seventy of the sons of Jerubbaal ruler over you, or that one rule over you?”

A. Abimelech B. Ahimelech C. Jothan D. Elimelech Correct Answer: Option A - Abimelech

2 years ago

‘Therefore in the resurrection; whose wife shall of the seven for they all had her’? This question was put to Jesus by the

A. Pharisees B. Scribes C. Chief Priests D. Sadducees Correct Answer: Option D - Sadducees

2 years ago

Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb’. This was said by

A. the angel Gabriel B. Simon C. Anna D. Elizabeth Correct Answer: Option D - Elizabeth

2 years ago

What did the Apostles do when complaints were made to them that some sections of the new Christian community were not being supplied with their needs for sustenance? They

A. gave out more money for buying food B. said that they had neither gold nor silver C. appointed seven…

2 years ago