‘I have sinned this time; the Lord is in the right and I and my people are in the wrong’. Pharaoh said this after the plague of the

A. hailstorm B. death of the first born C. locusts D. darkness Correct Answer: Option A - hailstorm

2 years ago

Which of the following BEST describes Abraham’s reaction to God’s promise of a son by Sarah?

A. Humility B. Optimism C. Generosity D. Faithlessness Correct Answer: Option A - Humility

2 years ago

‘Mahanaic is so called because Jacob saw the angels of God as God’s

A. Priest B. Servants C. Messengers D. Army Correct Answer: Option D - Army

2 years ago

The request of Moses that Israel should be allowed to go and worship God was interpreted by Pharaoh to mean

A. disobedience B. idleness C. lawlessness D. disloyalty Correct Answer: Option B - idleness

2 years ago

Jesus asked his disciples not to disclose their vision of the transfiguration until the?

A. Crucifixion B. Resurrection C. Ascension D. Pentecost Correct Answer: Option B - Resurrection

2 years ago

Which of these is NOT included in the instructions given to the disciples during their mission?

A. Heal the sick B. Judge the people C. Cleanse lepers D. Raise the dead Correct Answer: Option B -…

2 years ago

Besides the gifts of wisdom; what other gift did the Lord promise to Solomon but with a condition?

A. Riches B. Honour C. Long life D. Victory in warfare Correct Answer: Option C - Long life

2 years ago

When Joseph discovered that his betrothed; Mary; was with child; he decided to divorce her quietly because

A. Mary was too tender and lovely B. the angel warned Joseph not to be harsh on Mary C. Joseph…

2 years ago

The greatest of David’s domestic problems that seemed to break his heart was the?

A. rape of Tamar by Amnon B. killing of Amnon by Absalom C. conspiracy of Absalom against him D. murder…

2 years ago

When the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s fame concerning the name of the Lord; she came to test him with her

A. questions B. beauty C. army D. wealth Correct Answer: Option A - questions

2 years ago