To the question of the Philippians jailer; “Men; what must I do to be save?” Paul replied

A. confess your sins and give alms B. believe in the Lord Jesus C. release us and wash our wounds.…

2 years ago

Paul told the Athenians that they were very religious because

A. some of their poets said that men are the offsprings B. they dedicated an alter to the unknown God…

2 years ago

The elders at Jerusalem advised Paul on his arrival to the city to?

A. avoid Jewish Christians B. purify himself along with men under vows C. join those in the temple for prayer…

2 years ago

When Paul and Barnabas healed a cripple at Lystra; the people named them?

A. Zeus and Hermes B. Zeus and Apollo C. Jupiter and Mercury D. Zeus and Mars Correct Answer: Option A…

2 years ago

Paul was accused of apparently being a preacher of foreign divinities in Athens because he preached Jesus and the

A. cross B. law C. resurrection D. second coming Correct Answer: Option C - resurrection

2 years ago

“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us…” This expresses the regret of

A. Peter's audience at Pentecost B. the twelve after His audience arrest. C. Cleopas and one other disciple D. Cornelius…

2 years ago

Who requested for the body of Jesus after his death?

A. Nicodemus the Pharisee B. Simon of Cyrene C. Simon the disciple D. Joseph of Arimathea Correct Answer: Option D…

2 years ago

“Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s”. The quotation teaches

A. rejection of civil authority B. obedience to civil authority. C. indifference to civil authority D. disobedience to civil authority.…

2 years ago

Pharoah’s horsemen and his army overtook the fleeing Hebrews; encamped by the sea; at

A. Migdol B. Etham C. Succoth D. Pihahiroth Correct Answer: Option D - Pihahiroth

2 years ago