On arrival in Rome; Paul first addressed

A. Caesar's household B. the Gentiles C. the Roman Council D. the Jewish Council Correct Answer: Option A - Caesar's…

2 years ago

When Paul and his companions were shipwrecked; the soldiers planned to kill the prisoner but the centurion prevented them because

A. they were Roman citizens B. they would have to account for them C. he wanted save Paul's life D.…

2 years ago

Owing to the uproar in Jerusalem; the tribune ordered Paul to be examined by scourging; but changed his mind when he discovered that Paul was

A. an innocent man B. a Roman citizen C. a Pharisee D. a Jew Correct Answer: Option D - a…

2 years ago

Before the Areopagus; Paul declared that the “Unknown God” was

A. indeed the creator of all B. truly a fake deity C. spiritually Jesus Christ D. a manifestation of the…

2 years ago

The reason for the first Apostolic Council in Jerusalem was that?

A. Paul's apostleship was in dispute B. circumcision was enjoined on the Gentile converts as necessary for salvation C. the…

2 years ago

“Then after fasting and praying; they laid their hands on them and sent them off”. The significance of the laying of hands in this passage is that

A. the church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit initiated the missionary works of Paul and Barnabas B. the…

2 years ago

The two disciples on the way to Emmaus recognized Jesus

A. while he was teaching B. before they got to the village C. when they got to Jerusalem D. at…

2 years ago

Pilate delivered Jesus to be crucified because he?

A. wished to satisfy the crowd B. feared Caesar C. found Him guilty D. was afraid of the chief priest…

2 years ago

Where did Jesus go after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem?

A. Bethphage B. Bethany C. Jerusalem D. Nazareth Correct Answer: Option D - Nazareth

2 years ago

“Let it be known to you then that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen”. This implies that

A. the Gentiles will be more receptive to Christianity than the Jews. B. the Jews have lost the opportunity of…

2 years ago