The immediate cause of the stoning of Stephen was his?

A. condemnation of the Jews A. claiming to see Jesus at the right hand of God B. declaration of Jesus…

2 years ago

“I have no silver and gold; but I give you what I have; In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth; walk”. This was said by Peter to a lame man

A. at the pool called Bethsaida B. carried by four friends C. at the gate called beautiful D. who was…

2 years ago

The message of the risen Christ to the woman who came early to the tomb was to be relayed to the disciples and to

A. the Jews B. the Sadducees C. Thomas D. Peter Correct Answer: Option C - Thomas

2 years ago

According to Mark; the people who saw where Jesus was laid were Mary Magdalene and

A. Mary the mother of Jesus B. Mary the mother of James C. Joanna D. Salome Correct Answer: Option A…

2 years ago

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”. This verse is connected with

A. the birth of Jesus B. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem C. the resurrection of Jesus Christ D. the song…

2 years ago

Herod was very glad to see Jesus at the trial because?

A. John the Baptist spoke to him about Jesus B. he believed that Jesus was the Messiah C. he hoped…

2 years ago

“…For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve; and to give his life as a ransom for many” This statement was made by Jesus

A. after healing two blind men near Jericho B. immediately before he told the parable of the householder C. during…

2 years ago

Jesus began to teach his disciples about his suffering; rejection; crucifixion and resurrection after

A. the Transfiguration B. the healing of blind Bartimaeus C. Peter's confession D. the encounter of Gethsemane Correct Answer: Option…

2 years ago

The Jews asked Jesus whether they should pay tax or not because they wanted to

A. entrap him in his talk B. praise his teaching C. help him and his disciples to pay their taxes…

2 years ago