Biology WAEC

The adaptation of this type of foot is that it is?

The diagram above is an illustration of the foot of an animal. A. used as a bait to catch fish…

2 years ago

The following organisms are examples of carnivorous plants except?

A. gloriosa B. venus flytrap C. pitcher plant D. Utricularia Correct Answer: Option A - gloriosa

2 years ago

Plants and animals of an ecosystem make up a?

A. habitat B. succession C. community D. population Correct Answer: Option D - population

2 years ago

Radius and ulna are bones of the?

A. pectoral girdle B. upper arm C. pelvic girdle D. lower arm Correct Answer: Option D - lower arm

2 years ago

The blood vessel which carries blood from the alimentary canal to the liver is the?

A. hepatic artery B. hepatic vein C. hepatic portal vein D. mesenteric artery Correct Answer: Option C - hepatic portal…

2 years ago

Which of the labeled parts is the cortex?

The diagram above is an illustration of the longitudinal section of a mammalian organ. Study it and answer this question.…

2 years ago

What is the main function of the organ?

The diagram above is an illustration of the longitudinal section of a mammalian organ. Study it and answer this question.…

2 years ago

Detoxification of urea takes place in the?

A. pancreas B. heart C. liver D. testes Correct Answer: Option C - liver

2 years ago

Which of the following hormones is suddenly secreted into the bloodstream of a frightened person?

A. insulin B. adrenaline C. thyroxine D. parathormore Correct Answer: Option B - adrenaline

2 years ago

The temperature control centre in mammals is located in the?

A. skin B. hypothalamus C. pituitary gland D. adrenal gland Correct Answer: Option B - hypothalamus

2 years ago