Biology WAEC

What happens to an ovule of a flower, after fertilization? It

A. becomes a fruit B. withers away C. becomes a seed D. forms the cotyledons Correct Answer: Option C C.…

4 years ago

Which of the following parts of the eye is sensitive to light?

A. Retina B. Cornea C. Choroid layer D. Optic nerves Correct Answer: Option A A. Retina

4 years ago

The simplest form of nervous pathway which links receptors with effectors is known as the?

A. relay neuron B. reflex arc C. motor nerves D. sensory nerves Correct Answer: Option B B. reflex arc

4 years ago

Each neurone consists of the following structures except?

A. cell body B. dendrites C. axon D. white matter Correct Answer: Option D D. white matter

4 years ago

The neurone that relay the message of effector organs are called?

A. efferent neurones B. intermediate neurones C. afferent neurones D. spinal nerves Correct Answer: Option A A. efferent neurones

4 years ago

The nerves that arise from the brain are known as?

A. spinal nerves B. sacral nerves C. cranial nerves D. optic nerves Correct Answer: Option C C. cranial nerves

4 years ago

Which of the following is responsible for the increased heartbeat of a boy who saw a python? increased production of

A. adrenalin B. insulin C. pituitrin D. thyroxin Correct Answer: Option A A. adrenalin

4 years ago

The organs constantly in touch with the liver are?

A. pancreas, colon and caecum B. duodenum and stomach C. illeum, stomach and colon D. stomach and gall bladder Correct…

4 years ago

Which of the following conditions will cause a decrease in body temperature?

A. increased metabolism B. Shivering C. Vasoconstriction of capillaries of the skin D. Relaxation of the erector muscles Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

When a mammal respires anaerobically for a long time?

A. pyruvic acid is convened into acetyl COA B. more energy is released from fats in the body C. lactic…

4 years ago