Biology WAEC

Vitamin E is concerned with?

A. bone formation B. reproduction C. normal growth D. formation of red blood cells. Correct Answer: Option B B. reproduction

4 years ago

Which of the following statements about phosphorous is not correct?

A. Helps to regulate the acid-base balance of the body B. Regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates C.…

4 years ago

Members of the vitamin B complex are?

A. water-soluble B. fat-soluble C. water insoluble D. generally insoluble Correct Answer: Option A A. water-soluble

4 years ago

Vitamin C deficiency results in?

A. ricket B. beri-beri C. scurvy D. pellagra Correct Answer: Option C C. scurvy

4 years ago

Vitamin C which is water soluble is?

A. cabalamine B. pyridoxine C. ascorbic acid D. riboflavine Correct Answer: Option C C. ascorbic acid

4 years ago

A very poor growth in plants and discolouration of leaves signifies the deficiency of?

A. calcium B. magnesium C. potassium D. manganese Correct Answer: Option C C. potassium

4 years ago

Which of the following statements about nitrogen is not correct? Nitrogen is needed for

A. protein synthesis B. activating certain enzymes C. the synthesis of chlorophyll D. healthy vegetative growth of plants Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

The first stable product of photosynthesis is?

A. starch B. glucose C. oxygen D. water Correct Answer: Option B B. glucose

4 years ago

Which of the following groups consists of only micro-nutrients?

A. Molybdenum, sulphur and copper B. Boron, Zinc and Calcium C. Manganese, molybdenum and zinc D. Magnesium, phosphorus and manganese.…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a dry indehiscent fruit?

A. Legume B. Cypsela C. Samara D. Caryopsis Correct Answer: Option A A. Legume

4 years ago