Biology WAEC

Which of the following terms is not associated with fingerprint and classification?

A. Whorl B. Contour C. Arch D. Loop Correct Answer: Option B B. Contour

4 years ago

Which of the following represents Mendel’s second law of inheritance? The factors for two pairs of contrasting characters are

A. dependent on each other B. on homologous chromosomes C. allelomorphic D. inherited independently of each other Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

The concept of use and disuse of parts was postulated by?

A. Darwin B. Larmarck C. Miller D. Wallace Correct Answer: Option B B. Larmarck

4 years ago

Character which falls to express itself in the first filial generation but emerges in the second is?

A. heterozygote B. homozygote C. dominant D. recessive Correct Answer: Option D D. recessive

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a means of conserving natural resources?

A. Establishment of national parks B. Selective logging C. Building of dams D. Bush burning Correct Answer: Option D D.…

4 years ago

The major reason why foods should be properly covered is that?

A. micro-organisms in air would contaminate the food B. hot foods cool off easily when properly covered C. the taste…

4 years ago

Trypanosomiasis is associated with?

A. cockcroach B. mosquito C. housefly D. tsetse fly Correct Answer: Option D D. tsetse fly

4 years ago

Which of the following best describes the adaptation of the earthworm to its habitat?

A. Living in burrow during the day to prevent desiccation B. Burrowing into soft soil to store food C. Possession…

4 years ago

Parasitism can best be defined as an association between two organisms in which?

A. both organisms benefit B. one organism gains and the other neither gains nor loses C. both organisms suffer some…

4 years ago