Biology WAEC

Which of the following practices is a wildlife conservation method?

A. use of cover crops B. crop rotation C. mulching D. discouraging poaching Correct Answer: Option D - discouraging poaching

2 years ago

Which of the following resources cannot be conserved?

A. forest B. water C. soil D. garbage Correct Answer: Option D - garbage

2 years ago

The types of comb show?

The diagrams above are illustrations of types of comb found in domestic fowl. Study them and answer this question. A.…

2 years ago

Which of the following organisms does not undergo incomplete metamorphosis?

A. locust B. grasshopper C. butterfly D. cockroach Correct Answer: Option C - butterfly

2 years ago

An enzyme reaction may begin to decline when?

A. the optimum temperature is attained B. the ph of the medium is altered C. there is an increase in…

2 years ago

What precaution should have been taken to prevent the solution from turning green?

The diagram above is an illustration of the growth of a plant in a water culture. After a few days,…

2 years ago

The death of the plant was likely caused by?

The diagram above is an illustration of the growth of a plant in a water culture. After a few days,…

2 years ago

Which of the following factors is not necessary for photosynthesis?

A. water B. carbon (IV) oxide C. wind D. sunlight Correct Answer: Option C - carbon (IV) oxide

2 years ago

Autotrophic nutrition is a process whereby an organism obtains food?

A. by utilizing its store energy B. by synthesizing simple substances using energy C. from other organisms in exchange for…

2 years ago

The process that takes place at the light stage of photosynthesis is?

A. splitting of water molecules to form hydrogen ions B. reduction of carbon (IV) oxide to form carbohydrate C. formation…

2 years ago