Biology WAEC

Which of the following contains a reducing sugar?

A. Milk B. Cassava C. Grapefruit D. Beans E. Plantain Correct Answer: Option A - Milk

4 years ago

Hydra feeds by?

A. digesting its food extra cellularly B. absorbing food digested by other organisms C. symbiotic association D. masticating the food…

4 years ago

Which of the following plants is a carnivore?

A. Desmodium B. Sundew C. Mushroom D. Platycerium E. Liverwort Correct Answer: Option B - Sundew

4 years ago

The enzyme that acts on milk in the stomach is?

A. invertase B. trypsin C. diastase D. renin E. ptyalin Correct Answer: Option D - renin

4 years ago

The pancreatic duct opens into the?

A. caecum B. colon C. ileum D. duodenum E. oesophagus Correct Answer: Option D - duodenum

4 years ago

Which of the following organisms has homodont dentition?

A. Rabbit B. Man C. Sheep D. Cat E. Lizard Correct Answer: Option E - Lizard

4 years ago

The mode of nutrition which describes feeding habit in animals is?

A. autotrophic B. holozoic C. holophytic D. saprophytic E. photosynthetic Correct Answer: Option B - holozoic

4 years ago

The role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle includes the following except?

A. fixing atmospheric nitrogen B. converting ammonia to nitrites C. converting nitrites to nitrates D. converting carbohydrates to carbondioxide E.…

4 years ago

Which of the following processes removes CO2 from the atmosphere?

A. Respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Transpiration D. Excretion E. Combustion Correct Answer: Option B - Photosynthesis

4 years ago

In testing for starch in a leaf the function of alcohol is to?

A. kill the cells of the leaf B. soften the veins of the leaf C. aid iodine to penetrate the…

4 years ago