Biology WAEC

A woman with Rhesus negative blood group was advised not to marry a man with Rhesus positive blood group because?

A. it will hinder her from having blood transfusion from her husband B. it will result in sickness and probably…

2 years ago

Which of the following organisms exhibits division of labour?

A. butterfly B. cockroach C. termite D. housefly Correct Answer: Option C - termite

2 years ago

Natural selection arises as a result of?

A. gene mutation B. change of habitat C. reduction in population D. climate change Correct Answer: Option D - climate…

2 years ago

Which of the following statements is not Lamarck’s postulate on evolution?

A. great changes in the environment result in corresponding changes in species B. frequently used organs become well developed while…

2 years ago

What would happen if the population of domestic fowl decreases?

The illustration below is a food chain. Grass→grasshopper→domestic fowl→hawk A. grasshoppers would decrease B. hawks would increase C. grasshoppers would…

2 years ago

Which of the following features is a characteristic of aquatic plants possession of?

A. multiple epidermis B. heavily lignified tissue C. finely divided leaves D. succulent stem Correct Answer: Option D - succulent…

2 years ago

An association between living organisms in which one organism lives on and feeds at the expense of the other organism is known as?

A. mutualism B. commensalism C. parasitism D. predation Correct Answer: Option C - parasitism

2 years ago

When a large number of organisms share limited resources; the result is?

A. mutualism B. extinction C. commensalism D. competition Correct Answer: Option D - competition

2 years ago

Which of the following behaviours is correctly matched with the corresponding diseases?

A. Smoking cigarette / Liver cirrhosis. Lung cancer, AIDS B. Having multiple sexual partners/liver cirrhosis, syphilis, AIDS. C. Living near…

2 years ago

Endangered species are organisms that are?

A. likely to migrate to other favourable lands B. likely to disappear from the surface of the earth C. reproducing…

2 years ago