Biology WAEC

Which of the following behavioural patterns describes adaptive colouration?

A. Counter shading B. Hibernation C. Aestivation D. Aggregation E. Migration Correct Answer: Option A - Counter shading

4 years ago

Bees communicate with one another to obtain information about the direction of food source through?

A. complicated set of dances B. smell C. contract notes D. observation E. sounds Correct Answer: Option A - complicated…

4 years ago

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes the soldier termite from other members of the caste?

A. Wingless, strong mandibles and large head B. Small head, small thorax and large abdomen C. Small head, Wingless, and…

4 years ago

In an inter-species competition, the less successful species usually?

A. reproduce faster B. become more active C. become dormant D. occupy more space E. become eliminated Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

In which of the following is the knowledge of genetics not applicable?

A. Development of high-yielding varieties B. Preservation of seeds C. Development of early maturing varieties D. Development of early maturing…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a morphological variation?

A. Shape of nose B. Colour of skin C. Colour of eyes D. Ear lobe E. Tongue rolling Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

One of the use of variation is in?

A. determining the size and weight of an individual B. determining paternity C. conservation of wildlife D. controlling of disease…

4 years ago

A habitat with low rainfall, very low humidity, exposed soil with little plant cover, few trees and shrubs is likely to be?

A. a rain forest B. a mangrove forest C. a desert D. a swamp E. an estuarine Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

Which of the following factors does not affect the distribution of organisms in an aquatic habitat?

A. Turbidity B. Depth of water C. Humidity D. Temperature E. Availability of nutrient Correct Answer: Option C - Humidity

4 years ago