Biology WAEC

Which of the following are found immediately next to the skull?

Study the list The vertebral column of mammals consists of the following: I. Lumbar vertebrae II. Thoracic vertebrae III. Caudal…

4 years ago

The thoracic vertebra differs from all the other vertebrae by the possession of?

A. long neural spine B. odontoid process C. vertebraterial canal D. Large centrum E. transverse processes Correct Answer: Option A…

4 years ago

Which of these instruments can be used to perform an experiment on geotropism?

A. Potometer B. Cup anemometer C. Klinostat D. Kymograph E. Sphygmomanometer Correct Answer: Option C - Klinostat

4 years ago

ln which of the following structures will cells undergoing meiosis be seen?

A. At the apices of stem and root B. In the cortex of the stem C. In the pallisade mesophyll…

4 years ago

Movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from a weaker solution to a stronger solution is known as?

A. transpiration B. diffusion C. active transport D. plasmolysis E.  osmosis Correct Answer: Option E - osmosis

4 years ago

Which of the following farm practices can cause loss of soil fertility?

A. Mulching B. Compost application C. Use of fertilizers D. Terracing E. intensive cropping Correct Answer: Option E - intensive…

4 years ago

In palm-wine, yeast acts as a?

A. carrier B. culturing agent C. preservative D. catalyst E. sweetening agent Correct Answer: Option D - catalyst

4 years ago

The farming practice by which an exhausted farm land is left for a number of years before cultivation is known as?

A. crop rotation B. continuous cropping C. mono-cropping D. bush fallowing E. mixed cropping Correct Answer: Option D - bush…

4 years ago

Crops grown mainly to feed animals are called?

A. forage crops B. here crops C. wood crops D. oil crops E. spices Correct Answer: Option A - forage…

4 years ago

Which of the following factors may not cause over-crowding?

A. Limited space B. Scarcity of food C. Reduced birth rate D. Lose immigration conditions E. Increased birth rate Correct…

4 years ago