Biology WAEC

Which of these statements about food chain is not correct?

A. Animals in the chain are consumers B. A food chain usually begins with a green plant C. All organisms…

4 years ago

In a food chain the position occupied by an organism is called?

A. the trophic level B. energy level C. the feeding level D. the habitat level E. niche Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

Which of the following is the correct chain for the organism found in an aquatic community?

A. Paramecium, Phytoplankton, Prawn, Waterflea, Tilapia, Shark B. Waterflea, Paramecium, Phytoplankton, Prawn, Tilapia, Shark C. Phytoplankton, Waterflea, Paramecium, Prawn, Shark,…

4 years ago

Which of the temperature ranges will likely favour the plant best?

A. 0 - 10°C B. 15 - 20°C C. 30 - 40°C D. 45 - 50°C E. above 50°C Correct…

4 years ago

Very low annual rainfall, sparse vegetation, high day temperatures and cold nights are the characteristics of the biome known as?

A. swamp B. tropical forest C. southern guinea savanna D. afro alpine E. desert Correct Answer: Option E - desert

4 years ago

Which of the following is characteristics of a swamp?

A. Vegetation with stratified arrangement B. mesophytes with broad leaves C. The ground is flooded most of the time D.…

4 years ago

The distribution of organisms in a freshwater habitat like a stream or pond is determined by the following except?

A. rainfall B. temperature C. pH of soil D. light penetration E. tidal movements Correct Answer: Option C - pH…

4 years ago

Which of the following conditions is not necessary for photosynthesis to occur in plants?

A. There must be light B. There must be xylem tissue used to conduct water C. There must be chlorophyll…

4 years ago

Which of these processes removes carbon from the atmosphere?

A. Putrefaction of animals B. Burning of fuels C. Photosynthesis D. Volcanic eruption E. Respiration in plants Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

At the end of photosynthesis, the green leaf is tested for starch and not glucose, because?

A. the glucose is used up immediately to provide energy for the needs of the leaf B. the glucose formed…

4 years ago