Biology WAEC

An individual with blood group AB can receive blood from those in blood group(s)

A. AB only B B. A and B only C. B only D. AB and O only E. A, B,…

4 years ago

Hereditary variation is best described as?

A. characters transmitted from generation to generation B. traits acquired from diseases C. characters that show up due to social…

4 years ago

Which of the following can be said to be discontinuous variation?

A. Height B. Size of head C. Blood group D. Skin colour E. Length of foot Correct Answer: Option C…

4 years ago

The following practices are aimed at soil conservation except?

A. contour ridging B. application of manures C. strip cropping D. bush clearing E. crop rotation Correct Answer: Option D…

4 years ago

The following are useful measures for conserving forest except?

A. preventing and controlling accidental forest fire B. encouraging the use of charcoal for industrial and domestic purposes C. combating…

4 years ago

Prevention of erosion could best be carried out by?

A. crop rotation and mulching B. contouring of slopping ground and afforestation C. grazing terracing and shifting cultivation D. strip…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not an effect of over-crowding on a population?

A. Death B. Competition C. Commensalism D. Aggression E. Cannibalism Correct Answer: Option A - Competition

4 years ago

Which of the following is not an outcome of ecological succession?

A. There is a progressive change in species structure, organic matter and energy flow B. The climax stage consists of…

4 years ago

An association between two organisms in which both benefit is called?

A. parasitism B. commensalism C. symbiosis D. Predation E. competition Correct Answer: Option C - symbiosis

4 years ago

Which of these is not applicable to the circulation of water-in nature?

A. Water removed from oceans are Permanently lost B. Water constantly evaporates from the seas, rivers, lakes and soil C.…

4 years ago