Biology WAEC

The control of water and salt requirements of the body in order to maintain a stable internal environment is known as?

A. osmosis B. excretion C. plasmolysis D. ultrafiltration E. homeostasis Correct Answer: Option E - homeostasis

4 years ago

Which of the following structural features in animals does not affect control of body temperature?

A. Scales B. Skin C. fur D. Capillaries E. Feathers Correct Answer: Option D - Capillaries

4 years ago

Which of the following plant diseases is indicated when grains of cereals are covered with a mass of spores?

A. Smut B. Mosaic C. Maize streak D. Fungal blast E. Rust Correct Answer: Option A - Smut

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a conservable natural resource?

A. Water B. Sunlight C. Forest D. Soil E. Minerals Correct Answer: Option B - Sunlight

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a continuous variation?

A. Height of plants B. Skin colour C. Ability to roll tongue D. Length of fingers E. Leaf size. Correct…

4 years ago

Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis are both terms used to describe?

A. mitosis B. meiosis C. mating D. implantation E. gametogenesis Correct Answer: Option E - gametogenesis

4 years ago

Which pair of structures contributes to balance in mammals?

A. Utriculus and Sacculus B. Malleus and Stapes C. Sacculus and cochlea D. Utriculus and pinna E. Fenestra ovalis and…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a pollution control measure?

A. Penalizing those who dump refuse on water or land B. Controlling the emission of smoke from automobiles and industries…

4 years ago

In which of the following organisms is the siphon found?

A. Tadpole B. Pupa of mosquito C. Tilapia D. Crayfish E. Butterfly Correct Answer: Option B - Pupa of mosquito

4 years ago

The gradual, cumulative, adaptive and heritable changes in an organism over a long period of time resulting in emergence of new species is known as?

A. adaption B. survival C. regeneration D. variation E. organic evolution Correct Answer: Option E - organic evolution

4 years ago