Biology WAEC

The swarming, especially at the beginning of the rainy season, is a courtship behaviour shown by?

A. migratory birds B. pigeons C. crickets D. winged termites E. bees Correct Answer: Option B - pigeons

4 years ago

The division of labour in social insects is an example of?

A. structural adaptation B. physiological adaptation C. commensalism D. behavioural adaptation E. hormonal influence Correct Answer: Option D - behavioural…

4 years ago

Which of the following does not illustrate adaptation to the environment?

A. Colour changes by chameleon B. Streamline shape of fishes C. Light bones in birds D. Development of big muscles…

4 years ago

Which of the following is a function of the chromosome?

A. Transmission of hereditary traits B. Protein synthesis C. Excretion D. Energy production E. Manufacture of enzyme Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

Which of the following diseases or disorders can be prevented by the application of the knowledge of heredity through marriage counselling?

A. Sickle cell anaemia B. Haemophilia C. Diabetes mellitus D. Colour blindness E. River blindness Correct Answer: Option A -…

4 years ago

The offspring produced when pure strains interbreed is described as?

A. dominance B. phenotype C. allele D. genotype E. hybrid Correct Answer: Option E - hybrid

4 years ago

Identical twins inherit their genes from?

A. the same ovum and different sperms B. the same sperm and different ova C. different sperms and many ova…

4 years ago

One of the major criticisms against Mendelian laws is that they do not recognize that?

A. one trait is often controlled by many pairs of genes B. single factor inheritance is never a reality C.…

4 years ago

One of the factors that must be considered for safe blood transfusion is?

A. social class of the donor B. age of the recipient C. rhesus factors of the donor and the recipient…

4 years ago

The following agencies are responsible for conservation of in Nigeria except?

A. Forest department B. Nigerian conservation society C. Games reserve authority D. Nigerian Red Cross Society E. Ministry of Agriculture…

4 years ago