Biology WAEC

Which part of the ear is responsible for the maintenance of balance?

A. Ossicles B. Tympanic membrane C. Eustachian tube D. semicircular canals E. Cochlea Correct Answer: Option D - semicircular canals

4 years ago

The part of the brain responsible for the control the controls of voluntary movement and interpretation of sensation is the?

A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. optic lobe D. medulla oblongata E. olfactory lobe Correct Answer: Option A - cerebrum

4 years ago

If a germinating seed is attached horizontally on a revolving klinostat, what will be the effect of the seedling after three days? The

A. plumule will curve vertically upward while the radicle will curve towards the ground B. plumule and radicle will not…

4 years ago

Over-secretion of thyroxin is likely to lead to?

A. thinness in body B. sluggishness C. cretinism in infant D. reduced metabolism E. dwarfism Correct Answer: Option A -…

4 years ago

Growing radicles of seddlings are?

A. negatively phototropic B. positively phototropic C. negatively geotropic D. negatively hydrotropic E. positively phototactic Correct Answer: Option A -…

4 years ago

The pituitary is regarded as the master gland because?

A. it is located in the brain B. its secretion are the most numerous C. its secretion control other endocrine…

4 years ago

Infective hepatitis is a disease of the?

A. heart B. kidney C. liver D. stomach E. pancreas Correct Answer: Option C - liver

4 years ago

The following are the activities of the liver except?

A. production of heat B. manufacture of bile C. detoxication of alcohol and drugs D. maintenance of osmotic balance E.…

4 years ago

Kidney stone is a disease of the Kidney that result in the?

A. blockage of the tubules by solid particles B. passing out useful materials of the body fluid within the urine…

4 years ago

Which of the following parts of the mammalian skin is directly is directly involved in excretion?

A. Sebaceous gland B. Sweet gland C. Hormy layer D. Hair follicle E. Malphigian layer Correct Answer: Option B -…

4 years ago