Biology WAEC

The part of the alimentary system of a bird where grinding of maize occurs is the?

A. crop B. stomach C. gizzard D. cloaca E. rectum Correct Answer: Option C - gizzard

4 years ago

Which of the following adapts the aorta to the high pressure of the blood from the heart?

A. Thin walls B. Fragile membrane C. Thick elastic walls D. stiff walls E. Narrow lumen Correct Answer: Option C…

4 years ago

In testing for a reducing sugar, the food substance is usually warmed with?

A. sulphuric acid B. million's reagent C. sudan III D. Benedicts's solution Correct Answer: Option D - Benedicts's solution

4 years ago

Pellagra can be prevented by taking food rich in?

A. vitamin A B. vitamin B C. Vitamin D D. calcium E. iodine Correct Answer: Option B - vitamin B

4 years ago

During which o the following processes is food for animals produced?

A. Photosynthesis B. Respiration C. Nutrition D. Digestion E. Transportation Correct Answer: Option A - Photosynthesis

4 years ago

The bicuspid valve is located between?

A. left auricle and left ventricle B. right auricle and right ventricle C. left and right ventricle D. left and…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not seen in the transverse section of a young monocotyledonous stem?

A. Parenchyma B. Phloem C. Xylem D. Cambium E. Sclerenchyma Correct Answer: Option D - Cambium

4 years ago

Which of the following substance from the mother’s blood diffuse through the placenta into the blood vessels of the foetus?

A. Carbon dioxide and oxygen B. Glycogen and starch C. Urea and carbon dioxide D. Glucose and oxygen E. Digested…

4 years ago

The human skin is regarded as a sense organ because it?

A. separates the body from the outside world B. protects the body from cold and heat C. regulates the water…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not part of the female reproductive system?

A. Ovary B. Seminal vesicles C. Uterus D. Vagina E. Fallopian tube Correct Answer: Option B - Seminal vesicles

4 years ago