Biology WAEC

Species do not change in order to survive. The environment determines which organism survives to reproduce. These statements

A. explains theory of acquired characters B. supports Jean Lamarck's theory of use and disuse C. support the idea of…

4 years ago

The role of dead organic matter in the soil is to?

A. make the soil black B. increase the mineral salt content C. provide food for all living organisms D. increase…

4 years ago

Which of the following is the unit of transmission of hereditary traits in living organisms

A. Nucleus B. Nucleolus C. Gametes D. Genes E. Chromosomes Correct Answer: Option D - Genes

4 years ago

Which of the following will be the effect of waterlogged top soil on the roots of plants?

A. the waterlogged soil will stimulate rapid growth of roots B. there will be abundant supply of air for the…

4 years ago

The number of individuals in a habitat in relation to the unit space available to each organism is referred to as the?

A. birth rate B. density C. mortality D. frequency E. dispersion Correct Answer: Option B - density

4 years ago

Fewer number of trees is characteristic of the Savanna zones of Nigeria because?

A. there is too much sunlight B. there is limited amount of rainfall C. they are usually exposed to grazing…

4 years ago

Which of the following would be the primary producer in a food chain?

A. Saprophytes B. Herbivores C. Carnivores D. Green plants E. Parasites Correct Answer: Option D - Green plants

4 years ago

Puddles, ponds, rivers, lakes, seas, and ocean are grouped together as?

A. ecosystem B. biosphere C. terrestrial habitat D. marine habitat E. aquatic habitat Correct Answer: Option E - aquatic habitat

4 years ago

The female part of a flower consist of the?

A. stigma, style and ovary B. petals, sepals and anthers C. stigma, sepals and anthers D. filaments, style and pollen…

4 years ago

Natality is a factor affecting population density because it involves?

A. increase in population due to immigration B. increase in population due to emigration C. the number of mature females…

4 years ago