Biology WAEC

Which of the following structures is a protective adaptive feature of the Agama lizard to terrestrial habitat?

A. Claws B. Gular fold C. Scaly skin D. Nuchal crest E. tail Correct Answer: Option C - Scaly skin

4 years ago

The adaptation for water conservation in organisms include the following except?

A. scales in fishes B. scales on leaves C. thick leaves D. spine in plants E. succulent stem Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

Which of the following limiting resources is competed for by organism in the desert?

A. Light B. Temperature C. Oxygen D. water E. Carbondioxide Correct Answer: Option D - water

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a method of conserving natural resources?

A. controlling farming practice B. Establishing forest reserve C. Establishing of parks and gardens D. Encouraging poaching in game reserve…

4 years ago

Agglutination occurs in blood transfusion when the?

A. donor and the recipient belong to the same blood group B. same antibodies from donor and recipient fuse together…

4 years ago

The practice of warming soup regularly as it concerns food preservation is essentially to?

A. retain the taste B. help to break down cellulose C. remove excess water D. kill the bacteria in it…

4 years ago

Which of the following organism are transmitted by houseflies?

I. Plasmodium II. Vibro Choleroe III. Gonococcus sp IV. Poliomyelitis virus V. Syphilis bacteria A. I and II only B.…

4 years ago

Predators are beneficial in pest control because they?

A. are natural enemies of small mammals B. devour farm animals C. feed on pests of crops D. prey on…

4 years ago

Succession is best described as?

A. a process whereby organisms systematically colonize a barren habitat until stable community is formed B. a process whereby plant…

4 years ago

Which of the following may not contribute to environmental pollution?

A. Solar energy radiation B. Industrial waste C. Waste disposal D. Smoke E. Nuclear power plant Correct Answer: Option C…

4 years ago