Biology WAEC

Which of the following structures differentiates an animal cell from a plant cell?

A. Ribosomes B. Cell membrane C. Chloroplast D. Mitochondrion E. Lysosome Correct Answer: Option C - Chloroplast

4 years ago

The structure in the cell that controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell is the?

A. cytoplasmic membrane B. nuclear membrane C. cytoplasm D. protoplasm E. endoplasm Correct Answer: Option A - cytoplasmic membrane

4 years ago

Most of the energy in the cell is produced in the?

A. mitochondrion B. lysosome C. plastid D. Golgi apparatus E. cytoplasm Correct Answer: Option A - mitochondrion

4 years ago

Which of the following methods of reproduction is common to Paramecium and Amoeba?

A. Conjugation B. Sexual reproduction C. Binary fission D. Budding E. Fragmentation Correct Answer: Option C - Binary fission

4 years ago

Which of the following statements best explains the meaning of homologous chromosomes?

A. Product of division of chromosomes B. two identical chromosomes from each parent C. chromosome arranged on spindle fibre during…

4 years ago

In an individual who is heterozygous for a particular character, the hereditary factor that is always expressed is described as?

A. allele B. sickle-cell gene C. dominant gene D. chromosome E. sex-linked character Correct Answer: Option C - dominant gene

4 years ago

The wing of a bat and that of a bird, the flippers of a whale and the fins of fish are example of?

A. adaptive radiation B. vestigial structures C. continuous variation D. convergent evolution E. divergent evolution Correct Answer: Option E -…

4 years ago

Who formulated the theory of natural selection in evolution?

A. Louis pasteur B. Robert Hooke C. Jean Lamarck D. Mathias Schlieden E. Charles Darwin Correct Answer: Option E -…

4 years ago

The phenomenon whereby some organisms with certain features get established in an environment is known as?

A. partial selection B. artificial selection C. natural selection D. mutation E. colonization Correct Answer: Option C - natural selection

4 years ago

Which of the following statements best explains the term aestivation?

A. a device for survival during a period of extreme food and water shortage B. A method of survival adopted…

4 years ago