Biology WAEC

The organ located in the mammalian abdominal cavity just below the diaphragm and lying on top of the stomach is the?

A. bladder B. intestine C. liver D. pancreas E. chorion Correct Answer: Option C - liver

4 years ago

The structure of the embryo which develops and makes contact with the uterine wall is known as the?

A. umbilical cord B. placenta C. allantois D. amnion E. chorion Correct Answer: Option A - umbilical cord

4 years ago

Which of the following stimuli are not perceived through the skin of mammals?

A. Light B. Pressure C. Pain D. Heat E. Cold Correct Answer: Option A - Light

4 years ago

What is the difference between viviparous and oviparous animals?

A. Possession of yolked eggs B. Laying of unfertilized eggs C. Possession of yolkless eggs D. Protection of eggs from…

4 years ago

Which of the following parts of the tongue does not correspond to the taste indicated against it?

A. Tip-sweet B. Centre salt C. Back-sour D. Side-sour E. Back-bitter Correct Answer: Option C - Back-sour

4 years ago

Which of the following is not true about auxins? They

A. are manufactured by plants B. are used in the site of production C. are normally present in minute quantities…

4 years ago

The brain and spinal cord make up the?

A. peripheral nervous system B. automatic nervous system C. central-nervous-system D. somatic nervous system E. sympathetic nervous system Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

Which of the following parts of the mammalian brain is involved in taking the decision to run rather than walk?

A. Cerebellum B. Medulla oblongata C. Cranial nerves D. Mid-brain E. Cerebrum Correct Answer: Option E - Cerebrum

4 years ago

Breathing movement in mammals is accompanied by regular movements of the diaphragm and the?

A. intercostal muscles B. vertebral column C. clavicle D. pleural cavity E. floating ribs Correct Answer: Option A - intercostal…

4 years ago

Gaseous exchange takes place in the adult toad through the?

A. buccal cavity, bladder and lungs B. buccal cavity, skin and lungs C. tympanic membrane, lungs and gills D. buccal…

4 years ago