Biology WAEC

Which of the following organelles is used for locomotion in Paramecium?

A. pseudopodium B. Trchocyst C. Cilium D. pellicle E. Contractile vacuole Correct Answer: Option C - Cilium

4 years ago

The upward movement of the sap in the xylem vessel is brought about by?

A. transpiration stream B. guttation C. capillarity D. osmosis E. cohesion. Correct Answer: Option C - capillarity

4 years ago

The loss of water vapour through the aerial parts of the plant to the atmosphere is called?

A. respiration B. guttation C. osmoregulation D. transpiration E. diffusion. Correct Answer: Option D - transpiration

4 years ago

Blood in mammals transports oxygen because it contains the pigment called?

A. haemoglobin B. chlorocruorin C. melanin D. haemocyanin E. haemoerythrin. Correct Answer: Option A - haemoglobin

4 years ago

Which of the following is the function of the hormone in the lslets of Langerhans?

A. is used in protein metabolism B. is involved in sugar synthesis C. aids the rate at which glucose is…

4 years ago

Which of the following is the correct route for the movement of materials through the kidney?

A. Glomerulus → Bowman’s capsule → Loop of Henle → Collecting tubule → Pelvis B. Glomerulus → Loop of Henle…

4 years ago

Which of the following constitutes the main internal tissue of a leaf?

A. Cuticle B. Mesophyll C. Vascular tissue D. Lower epidermis E. Upper epidermis Correct Answer: Option B - Mesophyll

4 years ago

Which of the following is not likely to be found in the cell of a ripe tomato fruit?

A. plastids B. Chlorophyll C. Cellulose cell wall D. Mitochondrion E. Mineral salts Correct Answer: Option B - Chlorophyll

4 years ago

The cell membrane consists of?

A. carbohydrates and lipids B. vitamins and proteins C. lipids and proteins D. water and sugar E. starch and cellulose…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not true of the nucleus of a living cell? It contains

A. chromosome B. Nucleolus C. nucleoplasm D. chromatids E. ribosomes Correct Answer: Option E - ribosomes Explanation From the above…

4 years ago