Biology WAEC

Pests can be controlled without the subsequent danger of polluting the ecosystem by?

A. introducing a population of species similar to that of the pest B. increasing the population of the natural enemies…

4 years ago

Which of the following statements is not correct about the ecological effects of agricultural activities?

A. The use of herbicides and pesticides in farms can cause pollution B. Bush-burning encourages desertification C. Excessive use of…

4 years ago

Which of the following characteristics is associated with commensalism?

A. Both organisms are harmful to each other B. The association involves many organisms C. The association is beneficial to…

4 years ago

Which of the following statements is not correct about food chains?

A. All food chains start with a green plant B. Food chains involve feeding relationships among organisms C. shorter food…

4 years ago

An association between living organisms in which one lives on and feeds at the expense of the other organism is known as?

A. parasitism B. commensalism C. mutualism D. symbiosis E. predation Correct Answer: Option A - parasitism

4 years ago

The translocation of food materials in plants takes place in the?

A. xylem B. cambium C. phloem D. parenchyma E. sclerenchyma Correct Answer: Option C - phloem

4 years ago

A dehiscent fruit formed from several fused carpels with many seeds is classified as?

A. an achene B. a capsule C. a follicle D. a legume E. a nut Correct Answer: Option B -…

4 years ago

In photosynthesis, the following processes are part of the light reaction except?

A. transfer of radiant energy which reduces a co-factor B. absorption of radiant energy by chlorophyll C. utilization of the…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not an adaptation of the small intestine for absorption of digested food? The

A. villi are well supplied with blood and lymph vessels B. villi are numerous and thin-walled C. small intestine has…

4 years ago

Autotrophs are also described as?

A. consumers B. decomposers C. carnivores D. producers E. herbivores Correct Answer: Option D - producers

4 years ago