Biology WAEC

Autotropic nutrition may be defined in terms of food obtained?

A. from other organisms in exchange for some products. B. by the breakdown of complex substances C. by an organism…

4 years ago

The relationship between a herbivore and the bacteria which live in its caecum is known as?

A. parasitism B. symbiosis C. commensalism D. saprophytism E. predation Correct Answer: Option B - symbiosis

4 years ago

Which of the following is not regarded as a micro-nutrient or trace element for plant growth?

A. Phosphorus B. Zinc C. Boron D. Silicon E. Molybdenum Correct Answer: Option A - Phosphorus

4 years ago

Even though some flowering plants contain accessory pigments which give them colours they still contain the pigment?

A. melanin B. chlorophyll C. xanthrophyll D. carotene E. chlorocruorin. Correct Answer: Option B - chlorophyll

4 years ago

Auxins are produced in the?

A. petiole of leaves B. parenchyma of roots and shoots C. epidermis of roots and shoots D. apical regions of…

4 years ago

The pituitary is called ‘master gland’ because?

A. it is located in the brain B. its secretion are the more numerous than those of the other gland…

4 years ago

Which of the following statements is correct of hormones? Hormones are

A. secreted into the blood through ducts B. secreted directly into the blood stream C. inactive chemical substance in the…

4 years ago

Co-ordination is achieved in the body of mammals through the action of the?

A. endocrine and nervous systems B. skeletal and nervous systems C. muscular and nervous systems D. circulatory and nervous systems…

4 years ago

The pigment in the malphigian layer responsible for skin colouration is known as?

A. haemoglobin B. haemocyanin C. chlorocruorin D. haemoerythrin E. melanin Correct Answer: Option E - melanin

4 years ago