Biology WAEC

When large numbers of organisms share limited space and resources the result is?

A. immigration B. commensalism C. symbiosis D. extinction E. competition Correct Answer: Option E - competition

4 years ago

Increasing specialization of structure and function among animals of the same class and order for survival in new and different environments is called?

A. adaptive radiation B. phylogeny C. homology D. analogy E. ontogeny Correct Answer: Option A - adaptive radiation

4 years ago

The haploid number of chromosomes in man is?

A. 48 B. 46 C. 42 D. 24 E. 23 Correct Answer: Option E - 23

4 years ago

Which of the following best describes the homologous chromosomes? They are

A. a product of the division of a chromosome B. two identical chromosomes from each parent C. chromosomes arranged on…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a constituent of DNA?

A. Purine B. Phosphate C. Cystocine D. Deoxyribose E. Uracil Correct Answer: Option E - Uracil

4 years ago

Which of the following major ideas were proved by Gregor Mendel?

A. There is a tendency among organisms `to increase rapidly in number if conditions are favourable B. There is a…

4 years ago

During blood transfusion, agglutination may occur as a result of the reaction between?

A. similar antigens and antibodies B. contrasting antigens and antibodies C. two different antigens D. two different antibodies E. white…

4 years ago