Biology WAEC

The network of double membrane that conveys materials through the cytoplasm is the?

A. plasma membrane B. nuclear membrane C. mitochondrion D. endoplasmic reticulum Correct Answer: Option D - endoplasmic reticulum

3 years ago

The organism with spiral chloroplasts and nucleus suspended by cytoplasmic strands is?

A. Volvox B. Spirogyra C. Paramecium D. Euglena Correct Answer: Option B - Spirogyra

3 years ago

Which of the classes is characterized by the possession of two pairs of antennae?

Use the following Classes of Arthropoda to answer the question below I. Crustacea II. Insecta III. Arachnida IV. Chilopoda A.…

3 years ago

Which members of the classes live mainly in an aquatic habitat?

Use the following Classes of Arthropoda to answer the question below I. Crustacea II. Insecta III. Arachnida IV. Chilopoda  …

3 years ago

The cell as the basic unit of life consists of?

A. cell wall and vacuole B. nucleus and cell wall C. cytoplasm and nucleus D. cytoplasm and vacuole Correct Answer:…

3 years ago

The biological importance of the dance by the worker honeybee is that it?

A. acts as a signal for mating B. serves as a warning signal C. signals the availability of food D.…

3 years ago

The yellow and black stripes on the body of wasps is an example of?

A. mimicry B. courtship behaviour C. camouflage D. warning colouration Correct Answer: Option D - warning colouration

3 years ago

The cross between RrTt and rrtt where R is a gene for red colour and T for tallness will result in?

A. all the offspring being tall with red fruits B. 25 % tall with red fruits C. 50 % tall…

3 years ago

Which of the following statements is correct about the blood group of their four offspring?

A man whose blood group is heterozygous B is married to a woman whose blood up is also heterozygous B…

3 years ago

In a complete dominance monohybrid cross between a pure breeding yellow-flowered plant Y and a pure breeding white-flowered plant y; the result of the first filial generation is?

A. 50 % yellow flowers B. 75% yellow flowers C. all yellow flowers D. all white flowers Correct Answer: Option…

3 years ago