Biology WAEC

The part of the cetral nervous system that controls unconscious actions in humans is the?

A. cerebellum B. cerebrum C. spinal cord D. optic nerves Correct Answer: Option A - cerebellum

3 years ago

The properties of endocrine system include the following except?

A. secretion of hormones B. transportation by blood to a target organ C. having a specific effect D. release of…

3 years ago

The part of the mammalian kidney that stores urine is the?

A. capsule B. medulla C. pelvis D. bladder Correct Answer: Option D - bladder

3 years ago

The excretory product of some reptiles; birds and insects is?

A. urea B. urine C. ammonia D. uric acid Correct Answer: Option D - uric acid

3 years ago

The set-up can measure comparatively the rate of?

The diagram below is an illustration of an experimental set-up. Study it and answer the question below; A. evaporation from…

3 years ago

The set-up directly measure?

The diagram is an illustration of an experimental set-up. Study it and answer the question; A. transpiration of water by…

3 years ago

Which of the following tissues does not provide support in flowering plants?

A. Collenchyma B. Parenchyma C. Xylem D. Phloem Correct Answer: Option B - Parenchyma

3 years ago

Which of the following statements best explains the following observation?

In an experiment, mould and yeast cells were transferred into an environment with low oxygen concentration. After a few days,…

3 years ago

Which of the following materials is not a living semi-permeable membrane?

A. pig's bladder B. Unripe pawpaw fruit C. Yam tuber D. Sheet of cellophane Correct Anwer: Option D - Sheet…

3 years ago

Food is stored in the part labeled?

The diagram above is an illustration of the longitudinal section of a plant organ. Study to answer the question below.…

3 years ago