Biology WAEC

Which of the following is an example of continuous variation?

A. Human blood groups B. Sex difference in human C. Haemoglobin types D. Height in humans Correct Answer: Option D…

5 years ago

The following processes are involved during expiration in man except?

A. The intercostal muscles relax B. The thoracic activity first increases in volume C. The sternum moves inward D. The…

5 years ago

Ecology is best defined as the study of?

A. The characteristics of an environment B. The inter-relationship between living organisms and the environment C. Living organisms in a…

5 years ago

One of the following is not the theory of natural selection stated by Charles Darwin?

A. Characteristics acquired through use or disuse are transmitted offspring B. Variations appear by themselves in a population C. Heredity…

5 years ago

The glomerular filtrate contains the following except?

A. Water B. Urea C. Blood Corpuscles D. Glucose Correct Answer: Option C C. Blood Corpuscles Explanation The glomerulus helps…

5 years ago

Which of the following statement describes an autonomic nervous system?

A. It always stimulates effectors B. Activities are voluntary C. It dials with external stimuli and their responses D. It…

5 years ago

Which of the following controls all voluntary actions?

A. Olfactory lobes B. Cerebrum C. Hypothalamus D. Pons varolii Correct Answer: Option B B. Cerebrum Explanation Cerebrum is the…

5 years ago

Which of the following will have the least effect on the rate of change of the numbers in a population?

A. Mutation B. Food Supply C. Disease D. Predation Correct Answer: Option A A. Mutation Explanation Mutation involves the changes…

5 years ago

The association between two organisms living together in which only one benefits from the association while the other is neither benefited nor harmed is?

A. Predation B. Competition C. Commensalism D. Dispersal Correct Answer: Option C C. Commensalism Explanation Commensalism is the association between…

5 years ago

Viruses are pathogens of the following diseases except?

A. Tuberculosis B. Measles C. Small pox D. Poliomyelitis Correct Answer: Option A A. Tuberculosis Explanation Tuberculosis is classified under…

5 years ago