Biology WAEC

The immediate product of meiosis in flowering plants is the?

A. sporophyte B. gametophyte C. zygote D. pollen grain Correct Answer: Option D D. pollen grain

4 years ago

Which of the following diseases is not hereditary?

A. Albinism B. Scabies C. Haemophilia D. Colour blindness Correct Answer: Option B B. Scabies

4 years ago

The outward appearance of an organism is referred to as?

A. phenotype B. genotype C. dominance D. recessiveness Correct Answer: Option A A. phenotype

4 years ago

An example of continuous variation is?

A. fingerprint B. tongue rolling C. blood grouping D. body size Correct Answer: Option D D. body size

4 years ago

Variation is important in human life and can be used for the following activities except?

A. crime detection B. population distribution C. blood transfusion D. determination of paternity Correct Answer: Option B B. population distribution

4 years ago

Which of the following practices does not contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment?

A. Pollution reduction B. Material recycling C. Reforestation D. Overgrazing Correct Answer: Option D D. Overgrazing

4 years ago

A species whose populations has become so small that it may become extinct if not protected is a/an?

A. special species B. dangerous species C. endangered species D. important species Correct Answer: Option C C. endangered species

4 years ago

Which of the following factors will most likely lead to overcrowding within a population?

A. Absence of predators B. Emigration C. Food shortage D. Absence of territorial behaviour Correct Answer: Option A A. Absence…

4 years ago

In ecological succession, since Iichens grow on bare rock, they are considered to be?

A. primary consumers B. pioneer organisms C. climax organisms D. producers Correct Answer: Option B B. pioneer organisms

4 years ago

Population growth rate may be defined as the?

A. mortality rate per unit area over a period B. number of times an organism occurs within a given period…

4 years ago