Biology WAEC

The impedance of the concentration of chloroplast in the palisade layer of the leaf is for maximum exposure to?

A. carbon dioxide B. light C. water D. oxygen Correct Answer: Option B B. light

4 years ago

Filaments of Spirogyra placed in a beaker of water in a dark cupboard died because?

A. the filaments could not photosynthesize B. conjugation could not take place C. the temperature was too high D. the…

4 years ago

Analysis of the gut content of an animal showed that it contained small pieces of bone, seeds. roughages and insects. The animal is likely to be a/an.

A. carnivore B. herbivore C. insectivore D. omnivore Correct Answer: Option D C. insectivore

4 years ago

An example of a dehiscent fruit is?

A. crotolaria B. tomato C. mango D. orange Correct Answer: Option A A. crotolaria

4 years ago

Which of the following food substances gives the least amount of calories?

A. Rice B. Groundnuts C. cabbage D. Egg yolk Correct Answer: Option C C. cabbage

4 years ago

The part of the brain which controls and coordinates body posture is the?

A. cerebellum B. hypothalamus C. medulla oblongata D. pons varolii Correct Answer: Option A A. cerebellum

4 years ago

The process by which flowers produce fruit without the process of fertilization is called?

A. viviparity B. parthenocarpy C. propagation D. metamorphosis Correct Answer: Option B B. parthenocarpy

4 years ago

The eyes can properly focus images of objects of various distances on the retina by a process called?

A. refraction B. reflection C. accommodation D. correction Correct Answer: Option C C. accommodation

4 years ago

Which of the following processes is not an example of a reflex action?

A. Blinking of the eye B. Reading C. Beating of the heart D. Sneezing Correct Answer: Option B B. Reading

4 years ago