Biology WAEC

Which of the following occurrences cannot be taken as a direct observation of natural Selection in recent times?

A. Industrial melanism in moths B. Selective breeding in cattle C. Insecticide resistance of some mosquitoes D. Development of long…

4 years ago

Which of the following statements is not true of the worker termite? They

A. Build and repair nest B. produce enzymes to digest cellulose C. search for food to feed the colony D.…

4 years ago

If red is dominant to white and homozygous red pea-plants are crossed with homozygous white pea-plants, the first filial generation will have?

A. red flowers, 2 white flowers B. 4 red flowers C. white flowers D. 4 pink flowers Correct Answer: Option…

4 years ago

The resemblance of a palatable insect to a poisonous insect is an example of?

A. a chemical deterrent to a predator B. an escape from the predator camouflage C. an escape from the predator…

4 years ago

Which of the following diseases is commonly observed in human males and is sex-linked?

A. Beriberi B. Down’s syndrome C. Sickle-cell anaemia D. colour blindness Correct Answer: Option D D. colour blindness

4 years ago

What of the following occurrences is not a feature of meiosis?

A. Formation of four haploid cells B. Two successive nuclear cell division C. Pairing of homologous chromosomes at prophase D.…

4 years ago

What does the chemical composition of the genetic material of all living organisms consist of?

A. Deoxyribonucleic acid B. Adenosine diphosphate C. Adenosine triphosphate D. follicle stimulating hormone, Correct Answer: Option A A. Deoxyribonucleic acid

4 years ago

The effective cells involved in sickle-cell anaemia disease are?

A. phagocytes B. lymphocytes C. erythrocytes D. thrombocytes Correct Answer: Option C C. erythrocytes

4 years ago