Biology WAEC

The dominant stage in the life cycle of a fern is the?

A. antheridium B. gametophyte C. prothallus D. sporophyte Correct Answer: Option D D. sporophyte

4 years ago

Which of the following processes takes place when a plant cell is put in a hypotonic solution?

A. Water moves into the cell and the cell bursts B. Water leaves the cell and the cell becomes flabby…

4 years ago

The organelle involved in the transport of substances within a cell is?

A. Golgi body B. endoplasmic reticulum C. ribosome D. mitochondrion Correct Answer: Option A A. Golgi body

4 years ago

Respiration is an essential life process providing the living cells with?

A. oxygen B. sugars C. energy D. carbon dioxide Correct Answer: Option C C. energy

4 years ago

The hereditary material in a living organism is located inside the?

A. protein wall B. cytoplasm C. nucleus D. lysosome Correct Answer: Option C C. nucleus

4 years ago

The transfer of ripe pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower is termed?

A. fertilization B. self-pollination C. reproduction D. conjugation Correct Answer: Option B B. self-pollination

4 years ago

Organisms that interbreed to produce fertile offspring belong to the same?

A. class B. family C. species D. order Correct Answer: Option C C. species

4 years ago

A change in the environment of an organism is termed?

A. sensitivity B. impulse C. response D. stimulus Correct Answer: Option D D. stimulus

4 years ago

The order of evolution trend in plants is?

A. Bryophyta, Thallophyta, Pteridoiphyta and Spermatophyta B. Thallophyta Bryophyta Pteridoiphyta and Spermatophyta C. Spermatophyta, pteridophyta, Bryophyta and Thallophyta D. Bryophyta,…

4 years ago

The accepted concepts for the theory of Natural Selection does not include?

A. tendency for organisms to over produce B. struggle for existence C. survival of the fittest D. use and disuse…

4 years ago