Biology WAEC

Insulin is produced by the?

A. adrenal gland B. thyroid gland C. pituitary gland D. pancreas Correct Answer: Option D D. pancreas

4 years ago

The endocrine gland which co-ordinates the action of other glands and is also associated with the nervous system is the?

A. adrenal gland B. thyroid gland C. pituitary gland D. thymus gland Correct Answer: Option C C. pituitary gland

4 years ago

The persistent Presence of glucose in a person’s urine indicates malfunctioning of the?

A. heart B. bladder C. pancreas D. stomach Correct Answer: Option C C. pancreas

4 years ago

The malplghian body of the mammalian kidney is made up of?

A. cortex and medulla B. Bowman's capsule and loop of Henle C. glomerulus and Bowman's capsule D. pelvis and pyramid.…

4 years ago

Which of the following processes is a form of sexual reproduction?

A. Budding by yeast cells B. Conjugation in Spirogyra C. Binary fission in Amoeba D. Rhizome production by ginger Correct…

4 years ago

Which of the following blood vessels have valves?

A. Capillary B. Artery C. Vein D. Arteriole Correct Answer: Option C C. Vein

4 years ago

Which of these statements about white blood cells is true? They

A. aid clotting of blood B. carry oxygen round the body C. are the most numerous blood cells D. are…

4 years ago

The fine adjustment of the light microscope is used to?

A. admit more light into the microscope B. focus the object under low power C. focus the object under high…

4 years ago

Growth includes the following processes except?

A. differentiation B. enlargement C. mitosis D. meiosis Correct Answer: Option D D. meiosis

4 years ago

Yeast is added to the dough during the preparation of bread because it produces?

A. ethanol B. heat C. carbon dioxide D. carbohydrate Correct Answer: Option C C. carbon dioxide

4 years ago