Biology WAEC

Biuret’s test is carried out on a food substance to indicate the presence of?

A. vitamins B B. fats C. proteins D. starch Correct Answer: Option C C. proteins

4 years ago

Micronutrients essential for the synthesis of chlorophyll include?

A. iron and potassium B. iron and magnesium C. magnesium and calcium D. magnesium and potassium Correct Answer: Option B…

4 years ago

In testing for starch in a leaf, the leaf is boiled in alcohol to?

A. kill the cells B. soften the leaf C. enable chemicals penetrate the leaf D. decolourise the leaf Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

The mode of nutrition common to green plants is?

A. autotrophic B. heterotrophic C. holozoic D. saprophytic Correct Answer: Option A A. autotrophic

4 years ago

A neurone that transmits impulses directly from sensory cells is called?

A. an afferent neurone B. an efferent neurone C. a relay neurone D. a peripheral neurone Correct Answer: Option A…

4 years ago

The site for production of a ATP in a cell is?

A. ribosome B. cytoplasm C. Golgi body D. mitochondrion Correct Answer: Option D D. mitochondrion

4 years ago

In which of the following organisms is parental care manifested?

A. Tilapia B. Toad C. Cockroach D. Snail Correct Answer: Option C C. Cockroach

4 years ago

Protection of the body cells of mammals against ultra-violet rays of the sun is brought about by?

A. keratin B. melanin C. sebum D. scales Correct Answer: Option B B. melanin

4 years ago

The smallest branches on the cell body of a neurone are called?

A. dendrites B. dendrons C. ganglia D. Schwan cells Correct Answer: Option A A. dendrites

4 years ago

Which of the following statements about nerve cells is not correct?

A. The axons relay impulses from the cell Body B. The cell body is always found at the end of…

4 years ago