Biology WAEC

Which of the following vitamins would correct the deficiency numbered V?

Study the following list of deficiency symptoms in animals; use it to answer the questions below I. Loss of appetite…

4 years ago

Which of the following deficiencies is caused by lack of vitamin A?

Study the following list of deficiency symptoms in animals; use it to answer the questions below I. Loss of appetite…

4 years ago

A one-seeded fruit in which the pericarp has fused with the seed coat is classified as?

A. a berry B. a caryopsis C. a legume D. an achene Correct Answer: Option B B. a caryopsis

4 years ago

If the mucus in the air track of mammals dry up and the hairs in the nostrils are removed?

A. impure air would be breathed into their lungs B. the speed of air movement into their lungs would increase…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a component of the appendicular skeleton?

A. Ulna B. Atlas C. Femur D. Pelvic girdle Correct Answer: Option B B. Atlas

4 years ago

Which of the following vertebrae provide articulating surfaces for the ribs?

A. Thoracic B. Lumbar C. Cervical D. Sacral Correct Answer: Option A A. Thoracic

4 years ago

Which of the following statements best describes pollination? The transfer of pollen grain from

A. anther to stigmas B. stigmas to stamens C. the anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower…

4 years ago

The part of the ear in mammals responsible for the detection of sound is the?

A. utriculus B. tympanum C. cochlea D. semi-circular canal Correct Answer: Option C C. cochlea

4 years ago

The central nervous system in humans is made up of the?

A. brain, medulla oblongata and nerves B. brain, spinal cord and cranial nerves C. brain and spinal nerves D. brain…

4 years ago

Which of the following conditions is responsible for the presence of sugar in the blood of diabetic patients?

A. High intake of carbohydrates B. Low production of insulin C. Low intake of carbohydrates D. High production of insulin…

4 years ago