Biology WAEC

Which of the following vertebrae provide articulating surfaces for the ribs?

A. Thoracic B. Lumbar C. Cervical D. Sacral Correct Answer: Option A A. Thoracic

4 years ago

The long necks and legs of the present-day giraffes were some of the basis of?

A. Darwins’ theory of evolution B. Mendel’s theory of inheritance C. Lamarck’s theory of evolution D. DeVries theory of evolution…

4 years ago

Honey-Bee workers carry out the following functions except?

A. laying eggs B. building nests C. cleaning the nest D. gathering food Correct Answer: Option A A. laying eggs

4 years ago

Courtship behaviour in animals may include all of the following except?

A. howling of a dog B. dancing of the worker bee C. croaking of a toad D. basking in the…

4 years ago

A pure breeding white cat (homozygous dominant) mates with a pure breeding black cat (recessive), what would be the fur colour of F1 generation?

A. Homozygous white B. Homozygous black C. Heterozygous white D. Heterozygous black Correct Answer: Option C C. Heterozygous white

4 years ago

The haploid number of chromosomes in humans is?

A. 48 B. 46 C. 24 D. 23 Correct Answer: Option D D. 23

4 years ago

The contrasting pair of genes affecting a trait and located at the same position on homologous chromosomes is referred to as?

A. chromatids B. mutants C. alleles D. chromatin Correct Answer: Option C C. alleles

4 years ago

Which of the following trait in humans is not a morphological variation?

A. Height B. Shape of head C. Colour of skin D. Ability to roll the tongue Correct Answer: Option D…

4 years ago

If a heterozygous red flowered plant, (Rr) was self-fertilized, the offspring would be expected to be?

A. all red flowered plants B. all white flowered plants C. red flowered, white flowered plants D. white flowered red…

4 years ago

The blood group in humans referred to as a universal recipient is?

A. O B. A C. B D. AB Correct Answer: Option D D. AB

4 years ago